Curly weaves especially are notorious for quickly becoming disheveled.
Not to worry, though - we’re here with some top tips for looking after those beautiful curls. Don’t forget, it’s even more important to keep up with your maintenance if you’re using real virgin hair, so be sure to read on if that’s you.
Whether you’re new to weaves or looking to revitalize your hair care techniques, those trying to keep their curls looking flawless all day long will only benefit from following this guide. Even veteran Curly Girl Method followers could learn a trick!

Tip #1 - Detangle, detangle, detangle!
Especially before you wash, take the time to gently detangle your hair from tip to root. You want to be as gentle as possible, teasing them out with a wide-toothed comb. Just one knot can ruin your whole weave when you start washing!
Detangling can be easier with damp hair, so spraying a fine mist over your head as you comb through might help. Similarly, using a small amount of conditioner (think pea-sized) for the especially tricky knots is also useful.
Tip #2 - Wash in one direction only
No, we don’t mean the boyband we all secretly loved. During the shampooing and conditioning stages, be sure that you’re only washing in one direction. Lathering up in circles all over your head is a one way ticket to tangle town.
Follow the direction in which the cuticle grows. Think about it like shaving your legs - by going against the direction of hair growth, you end up with sore and bumpy rashes. The same applies to the hair on your head, but results in tangles instead!
Tip #3 - Stay away from hairdryers
In order to protect your natural hair and more fragile weave, you’re going to want to stick to air drying. This is frustrating when you have places to be, but by showing restraint and steering clear of heat, you’ll have a much better curl pattern as a result.
The high temperatures produced by heat drying methods result in cuticle damage and encourages frizzing. Have a little patience - a good idea for sticking to this is to try and only wash your hair on days you actually have time to let it air dry.
Tip #4 - Co-wash as often as possible: be sparing with shampoo
It might sound antithetical if you’re unfamiliar with the technique, but weave wearers ought to skip out on shampoo. Wash as regularly as you normally would - typically whenever you shower - just use a conditioner instead!
This is called co-washing: you should stick to once a month maximum for shampooing, which is necessary for removing any gunk, dirt, or buildup. Yes, it seems gross at first, but all the experts do exactly the same and would tell you so.
Tip #5 - Avoid shampoos with sulfates
When you do perform your once a month wash, try to only use shampoos that don’t contain any sulfates. These ingredients might produce more lather, but they can also strip away your hair’s natural oils, leaving a dry, brittle mess behind.
Of course, because they don’t have the benefits of replenishing natural oils, this is especially important when it comes to taking care of your weave. If you’re trying to avoid frizz, you might notice a real difference by switching to sulfate free shampoo.
Tip #6 - Steer clear of hairsprays
Again, this is frustrating if you depend on sprays, gels and mousse to get by, but they only serve to increase tangling and turn soft hair hard and tough. Try and adhere to more natural methods of holding curls if you can, but once or twice a month is fine.
Should you find that your hair is damaged from an overdependence on hairspray or similar products, don’t panic. Washing your hair with clarifying shampoo can serve as a detox and deep clean your cuticles, removing any dry residue entirely.
Tip #7 - Sleep in silk!
Your mom was right when she said silk pillowcases keep your curls looking beautiful, even after a good night’s sleep. If you don’t have that luxury, wrap your hair up in a silk scarf - satin will also work here - before hitting the hay.
This will help to reduce the tangling that occurs as you toss and turn, and also help keep your natural curl pattern looking as glorious as it should. Sure, it sounds bougie, but you deserve to look after yourself, and your weave will thank you!
Tip #8 - Treat yourself to deep conditioning
Looking to show your hair some love and introduce additional moisture? Every now and then, or as regularly as once a week, you should perform a deep conditioning treatment. Try and seek out those that contain enriching, natural oils.
You’ll have the most success with conditioners made from olive, jojoba, argan or coconut oils. Serums made from argan oil are also fantastic when you’re in hotter, more humid areas and can reduce frizz - use sparingly to avoid weighing curls down.
Tip #9 - Research your curl pattern and adjust accordingly
Those new to curly hair care might not know that there are many different kinds of curls, even when it comes to weaves. Not sure which one you are, or confused by all of the letters and numbers? Try reading a guide, or taking a curl pattern quiz!
It’s also possible for multiple textures to occur on one head, as if things weren’t stressful enough! By looking at the information that is especially recommended for your kind of hair, you’ll be able to treat your curls in just the right way.
Just to offer a basic definition - there are four hair types:
Each number is then paired with a letter from A to C, which determines how narrow or wide your pattern is. Remember, more than one can be applicable, so consult an expert if you’re having trouble figuring things out!